package aimax.osm.routing; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import aima.core.agent.Action; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Generates {@link aimax.osm.routing.OsmMoveAction}s for states which are * assumed to be of class {@link}. If a goal is * specified, all generated actions lead to road crossings, road ends, or the * specified goal. Otherwise, they lead to directly linked neighbor nodes. * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class OsmActionsFunction implements ActionsFunction { protected MapWayFilter filter; private boolean ignoreOneWays; /** * Goal node, possibly null. If a goal is specified, travel actions will * include paths with size greater one. */ protected MapNode goal; public OsmActionsFunction(MapWayFilter filter, boolean ignoreOneWays, MapNode goal) { this.filter = filter; this.ignoreOneWays = ignoreOneWays; this.goal = goal; } /** Expects a MapNode as argument. */ @Override public Set actions(Object s) { Set result = new LinkedHashSet(); MapNode from = (MapNode) s; for (WayRef wref : from.getWayRefs()) { if (filter == null || filter.isAccepted(wref.getWay())) { MapWay way = wref.getWay(); int nodeIdx = wref.getNodeIdx(); List wayNodes = way.getNodes(); MapNode to; for (int idx = nodeIdx + 1; idx < wayNodes.size(); idx++) { to = wayNodes.get(idx); if (goal == null || goal == to || to.getWayRefs().size() > 1 || idx == wayNodes.size() - 1) { result.add(new OsmMoveAction(way, from, to)); break; } } if (!way.isOneway() || ignoreOneWays) { for (int idx = nodeIdx - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { to = wayNodes.get(idx); if (goal == null || goal == to || to.getWayRefs().size() > 1 || idx == 0) { result.add(new OsmMoveAction(way, from, to)); break; } } } } } return result; } }