package aimax.osm.gps; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Maintains a connection to a GPS via a NMEA stream, decodes the * position messages and publishes the obtained position informations. *

To run this class, download the rs232 serial port library from *, install it correctly, and rename file * NmeaSerialPortReader.txt in package aimax.osm.gps * to NmeaSerialPortReader.class. * One possible choice for installation is, to add the jar-file * to the class path (project properties, add jar), to store the DDL * locally (e.g. in project-root/lib), and start the application with * VM argument -Djava.library.path=lib.

* @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class GpsLocator implements NmeaReader.NmeaMessageListener { private NmeaReader nmeaReader; private NmeaReader nmeaSerialPortReader; private GpsFix currPosition; private List listeners; /** Creates a new locator. */ public GpsLocator() { currPosition = new GpsFix(false, 0.0f, 0.0f); listeners = new ArrayList(); } /** * Sets the data source for the locator to a file reader. */ public void openSerialPortConnection() { closeConnection(); if (nmeaSerialPortReader == null) nmeaSerialPortReader = NmeaReaderFactory.instance().createSerialPortReader(); if (nmeaSerialPortReader != null) { try { nmeaSerialPortReader.openStream(); nmeaReader = nmeaSerialPortReader; nmeaReader.addListener(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Sets the data source for the locator to a file reader. */ public void openFileConnection(File file) { closeConnection(); try { nmeaReader = NmeaReaderFactory.instance().createFileReader(file); if (nmeaReader != null) { nmeaReader.addListener(this); nmeaReader.openStream(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean isConnected() { return nmeaReader != null; } public void closeConnection() { if (isConnected()) { try { nmeaReader.removeListener(this); nmeaReader.closeStream(); nmeaReader = null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Can be used, to check, whether the connection was opened * successfully (result != null). */ public NmeaReader getNmeaReader() { return nmeaReader; } public void addGpsPositionListener(GpsPositionListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void removeGpsPositionListener(GpsPositionListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** Returns the last valid position which was provided by the NMEA stream. */ public GpsFix getCurrPosition() { return currPosition; } /** * Parses the position data currently in buffer, updates the * the current position and informs all interested listeners. */ public void messageReceived(String message) { if (message.startsWith("$GPGGA")) { // System.out.println(buffer.toString()); // idx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 // $GPGGA,120007.000,5056.2197,N,02406.0867,W,0,00,99.9,12787.4,M,62.0,M,,0000*7B (NL-402U) // $GPGGA,103131.000,4824.2758,N,00959.9357,E,1,06,1.3,458.5,M,43.9,M,,0000*54 // $GPGGA,044944,4824.3044,N,00959.9409,E,1,05,3.1,451.0,M,46.8,M,,*4E String[] mparts = message.split(","); if (mparts.length != 15) return; boolean posOK = true; float lat; float lon; if (mparts[6].equals("0")) posOK = false; float deg = Float.parseFloat(mparts[2].substring(0, 2)); float min = Float.parseFloat(mparts[2].substring(2)); lat = deg + min / 60.0f; if (mparts[3].equals("S")) lat = -lat; deg = Float.parseFloat(mparts[4].substring(0, 3)); min = Float.parseFloat(mparts[4].substring(3)); lon = deg + min / 60.0f; if (mparts[5].equals("W")) lon = -lon; currPosition = new GpsFix(posOK, lat, lon); //System.out.println(currPosition); for (GpsPositionListener listener : listeners) listener.positionUpdated(currPosition); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple test program... public static void main(String[] args) { try { GpsLocator locator = new GpsLocator(); locator.addGpsPositionListener(new GpsPositionListener() { @Override public void positionUpdated(GpsFix pos) { System.out.println(pos); } }); //locator.openFileConnection(new File("nmeaout.txt")); locator.openSerialPortConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }