package; import java.util.Collection; import; /** * Simple representation of a bounding box for geo coordinates. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class BoundingBox { private float latMin; private float lonMin; private float latMax; private float lonMax; public BoundingBox() { latMin = Float.NaN; lonMin = Float.NaN; latMax = Float.NaN; lonMax = Float.NaN; } public BoundingBox(float latMin, float lonMin, float latMax, float lonMax) { this.latMin = latMin; this.lonMin = lonMin; this.latMax = latMax; this.lonMax = lonMax; } public BoundingBox(Position center, int radiusKM) { double phi = radiusKM / Position.EARTH_RADIUS; float dLat = (float) Math.toDegrees(phi); float dLon = (float) Math.toDegrees(phi / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(center.getLat()))); this.latMin = center.getLat() - dLat; this.lonMin = center.getLon() - dLon; this.latMax = center.getLat() + dLat; this.lonMax = center.getLon() + dLon; } /** Adjusts the box so that the specified box is also included. */ public BoundingBox unifyWith(BoundingBox bb) { latMin = Math.min(latMin, bb.latMin); lonMin = Math.min(lonMin, bb.lonMin); latMax = Math.max(latMax, bb.latMax); lonMax = Math.max(lonMax, bb.lonMax); return this; } /** Adjusts the box so that the result is the intersection of both boxes. */ public BoundingBox intersectWith(BoundingBox bb) { latMin = Math.max(latMin, bb.latMin); lonMin = Math.max(lonMin, bb.lonMin); latMax = Math.min(latMax, bb.latMax); lonMax = Math.min(lonMax, bb.lonMax); return this; } public boolean intersectsWith(BoundingBox bb) { if (latMin > bb.latMax || latMax < bb.latMin || lonMin > bb.lonMax || lonMax < bb.lonMin) return false; else return true; } /** * Makes sure, that all given nodes are within the box and extends the * bounds if necessary. */ public void adjust(Collection nodes) { for (MapNode node : nodes) { if (Float.isNaN(latMin)) { latMin = latMax = node.getLat(); lonMin = lonMax = node.getLon(); } else if (node.hasPosition()) { if (node.getLat() < latMin) latMin = node.getLat(); else if (node.getLat() > latMax) latMax = node.getLat(); if (node.getLon() < lonMin) lonMin = node.getLon(); else if (node.getLon() > lonMax) lonMax = node.getLon(); } } } /** Returns the distance between latMax and latMin in Kilometers. */ public float getNorthSouthDistKM() { return (float) Position.getDistKM(latMax, lonMin, latMin, lonMin); } /** * Returns the distance between lonMin and lonMax at * latitude (latMax-latMin)/2 in Kilometers. */ public float getWestEastDistKM() { return (float) Position.getDistKM((latMin + latMax) / 2f, lonMin, (latMin + latMax) / 2f, lonMax); } /** * Checks whether the specified position is inside the box. */ public boolean isInside(double lat, double lon) { return lat >= latMin && lat <= latMax && lon >= lonMin && lon <= lonMax; } public float getLatMin() { return latMin; } public float getLonMin() { return lonMin; } public float getLatMax() { return latMax; } public float getLonMax() { return lonMax; } public String toString() { return "BB(" + latMin + ", " + lonMin + ", " + latMax + ", " + lonMax + ")"; } }