package; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aima.core.util.datastructure.Point2D; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppController; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppEnvironmentView; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppFrame; import aima.gui.framework.MessageLogger; import aima.gui.framework.SimpleAgentApp; /** * Demo example of a route finding agent application with GUI. The main method * starts a map agent frame and supports runtime experiments. This * implementation is based on the {@link} and * the {@link}. It can be used as a * code template for creating new applications with different specialized kinds * of agents and environments. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class RouteFindingAgentApp extends SimpleAgentApp { /** Creates a MapAgentView. */ public AgentAppEnvironmentView createEnvironmentView() { return new ExtendedMapAgentView(); } /** Creates and configures a RouteFindingAgentFrame. */ @Override public AgentAppFrame createFrame() { return new RouteFindingAgentFrame(); } /** Creates a RouteFindingAgentController. */ @Override public AgentAppController createController() { return new RouteFindingAgentController(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // local classes /** Frame for a graphical route finding agent application. */ protected static class RouteFindingAgentFrame extends MapAgentFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static enum MapType { ROMANIA, AUSTRALIA }; private MapType usedMap = null; private static String[] ROMANIA_DESTS = new String[] { "to Bucharest", "to Eforie", "to Neamt", "to Random" }; private static String[] AUSTRALIA_DESTS = new String[] { "to Port Hedland", "to Albany", "to Melbourne", "to Random" }; /** Creates a new frame. */ public RouteFindingAgentFrame() { setTitle("RFA - the Route Finding Agent"); setSelectorItems(SCENARIO_SEL, new String[] { "Romania, from Arad", "Romania, from Lugoj", "Romania, from Fagaras", "Australia, from Sydney", "Australia, from Random" }, 0); setSelectorItems(SEARCH_MODE_SEL, SearchFactory.getInstance() .getSearchModeNames(), 1); // change the default! setSelectorItems(HEURISTIC_SEL, new String[] { "=0", "SLD" }, 1); } /** * Changes the destination selector items depending on the scenario * selection if necessary, and calls the super class implementation * afterwards. */ @Override protected void selectionChanged(String changedSelector) { SelectionState state = getSelection(); int scenarioIdx = state.getValue(MapAgentFrame.SCENARIO_SEL); RouteFindingAgentFrame.MapType mtype = (scenarioIdx < 3) ? MapType.ROMANIA : MapType.AUSTRALIA; if (mtype != usedMap) { usedMap = mtype; String[] items = null; switch (mtype) { case ROMANIA: items = ROMANIA_DESTS; break; case AUSTRALIA: items = AUSTRALIA_DESTS; break; } setSelectorItems(DESTINATION_SEL, items, 0); } super.selectionChanged(changedSelector); } } /** Controller for a graphical route finding agent application. */ protected static class RouteFindingAgentController extends AbstractMapAgentController { /** * Configures a scenario and a list of destinations. Note that for route * finding problems, the size of the list needs to be 1. */ @Override protected void selectScenarioAndDest(int scenarioIdx, int destIdx) { ExtendableMap map = new ExtendableMap(); MapEnvironment env = new MapEnvironment(map); String agentLoc = null; switch (scenarioIdx) { case 0: SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.initMap(map); agentLoc = SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.ARAD; break; case 1: SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.initMap(map); agentLoc = SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.LUGOJ; break; case 2: SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.initMap(map); agentLoc = SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.FAGARAS; break; case 3: SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia.initMap(map); agentLoc = SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia.SYDNEY; break; case 4: SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia.initMap(map); agentLoc = map.randomlyGenerateDestination(); break; } scenario = new Scenario(env, map, agentLoc); destinations = new ArrayList(); if (scenarioIdx < 3) { switch (destIdx) { case 0: destinations .add(SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.BUCHAREST); break; case 1: destinations.add(SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.EFORIE); break; case 2: destinations.add(SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania.NEAMT); break; case 3: destinations.add(map.randomlyGenerateDestination()); break; } } else { switch (destIdx) { case 0: destinations.add(SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia.PORT_HEDLAND); break; case 1: destinations.add(SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia.ALBANY); break; case 2: destinations.add(SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia.MELBOURNE); break; case 3: destinations.add(map.randomlyGenerateDestination()); break; } } } /** * Prepares the view for the previously specified scenario and * destinations. */ @Override protected void prepareView() { ExtendedMapAgentView mEnv = (ExtendedMapAgentView) frame.getEnvView(); mEnv.setData(scenario, destinations, null); mEnv.setEnvironment(scenario.getEnv()); } /** * Returns the trivial zero function or a simple heuristic which is * based on straight-line distance computation. */ @Override protected AdaptableHeuristicFunction createHeuristic(int heuIdx) { AdaptableHeuristicFunction ahf = null; switch (heuIdx) { case 0: ahf = new H1(); break; default: ahf = new H2(); } return ahf.adaptToGoal(destinations.get(0), scenario .getAgentMap()); } /** * Creates a new agent and adds it to the scenario's environment. */ @Override public void initAgents(MessageLogger logger) { if (destinations.size() != 1) { logger.log("Error: This agent requires exact one destination."); return; } MapEnvironment env = scenario.getEnv(); String goal = destinations.get(0); MapAgent agent = new MapAgent(env.getMap(), env, search, new String[] { goal }); env.addAgent(agent, scenario.getInitAgentLocation()); } } /** * Returns always the heuristic value 0. */ static class H1 extends AdaptableHeuristicFunction { public double h(Object state) { return 0.0; } } /** * A simple heuristic which interprets state and {@link #goal} * as location names and uses the straight-line distance between them as * heuristic value. */ static class H2 extends AdaptableHeuristicFunction { public double h(Object state) { double result = 0.0; Point2D pt1 = map.getPosition((String) state); Point2D pt2 = map.getPosition((String) goal); if (pt1 != null && pt2 != null) result = pt1.distance(pt2); return result; } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // starter method /** Application starter. */ public static void main(String args[]) { new RouteFindingAgentApp().startApplication(); } }