package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.List; import aima.core.agent.Agent; import; import; import; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppController; import aima.gui.framework.MessageLogger; import aima.gui.framework.SimulationThread; /** * Provides a useful base class for agent application controller implementations * in the context of route finding agent application development. To get it * ready to work, all you need to do is, to provide implementations for the four * abstract methods. See {@link RouteFindingAgentApp} for an example. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public abstract class AbstractMapAgentController extends AgentAppController { /** A scenario. */ protected Scenario scenario; /** * Some location names. For route finding problems, only one location * should be specified. */ protected List destinations; /** Search method to be used. */ protected search; /** Heuristic function to be used when performing informed search. */ protected AdaptableHeuristicFunction heuristic; /** Is the scenario up to date? */ protected boolean isPrepared; /** Sleep time between two steps during simulation in msec. */ protected long sleepTime = 500l; /** Clears all tracks and prepares simulation if necessary. */ @Override public void clear() { ((MapAgentView) frame.getEnvView()).clearTracks(); if (!isPrepared()) prepare(null); } /** * Template method, which performs necessary preparations for running the * agent. The behavior is strongly influenced by the primitive operations * {@link #selectScenarioAndDest(int, int)}, {@link #prepareView()} and * {@link #createHeuristic(int)}. */ @Override public void prepare(String changedSelectors) { MapAgentFrame.SelectionState state = frame.getSelection(); selectScenarioAndDest(state.getValue(MapAgentFrame.SCENARIO_SEL), state .getValue(MapAgentFrame.DESTINATION_SEL)); prepareView(); heuristic = createHeuristic(state.getValue(MapAgentFrame.HEURISTIC_SEL)); search = SearchFactory.getInstance().createSearch( state.getValue(MapAgentFrame.SEARCH_SEL), state.getValue(MapAgentFrame.SEARCH_MODE_SEL), heuristic); isPrepared = true; } /** * Checks whether the current scenario contains an environment which is * ready for simulation (no agents or not done). */ public boolean isPrepared() { return isPrepared && (scenario.getEnv().getAgents().isEmpty() || !scenario.getEnv().isDone()); } /** * Calls {@link #initAgents(MessageLogger)} if necessary and * then starts simulation until done. */ public void run(MessageLogger logger) { logger.log(""); logger.log("search: " + search.getClass().getName()); if (heuristic != null) logger.log("heuristic: " + heuristic.getClass().getName()); MapEnvironment env = scenario.getEnv(); if (env.getAgents().isEmpty()) initAgents(logger); try { while (!env.isDone() && !frame.simulationPaused()) { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); env.step(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} logger.log("\n"); } /** * Calls {@link #initAgents(MessageLogger)} if necessary and * then executes one simulation step. */ @Override public void step(MessageLogger logger) { MapEnvironment env = scenario.getEnv(); if (env.getAgents().isEmpty()) initAgents(logger); env.step(); } /** Updates the status of the frame. */ public void update(SimulationThread simulationThread) { if (simulationThread.isCanceled()) { frame.setStatus("Task canceled."); isPrepared = false; } else if (frame.simulationPaused()){ frame.setStatus("Task paused."); } else { StringBuffer statusMsg = new StringBuffer(); statusMsg.append("Task completed"); List agents = scenario.getEnv().getAgents(); if (agents.size() == 1) { Double travelDistance = scenario.getEnv().getAgentTravelDistance( agents.get(0)); if (travelDistance != null) { DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.0"); statusMsg.append("; travel distance: " + f.format(travelDistance)); } } statusMsg.append("."); frame.setStatus(statusMsg.toString()); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // abstract methods /** * Primitive operation, responsible for assigning values to attributes * {@link #scenario} and {@link #destinations}. */ abstract protected void selectScenarioAndDest(int scenarioIdx, int destIdx); /** * Primitive operation, responsible for preparing the view. Scenario and * destinations are already selected when this method is called. */ abstract protected void prepareView(); /** * Factory method, responsible for creating a heuristic function. */ abstract protected AdaptableHeuristicFunction createHeuristic(int heuIdx); /** * Primitive operation, responsible for creating new agents and adding * them to the current environment. */ protected abstract void initAgents(MessageLogger logger); }