package; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aima.core.util.datastructure.FIFOQueue; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppController; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppEnvironmentView; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppFrame; import aima.gui.framework.MessageLogger; import aima.gui.framework.SimpleAgentApp; import aima.gui.framework.SimulationThread; /** * Application which demonstrates basic constraint algorithms based on map * coloring problems. It shows the constraint graph, lets the user select a * solution strategy, and allows then to follow the progress step by step. For * pragmatic reasons, the implementation uses the agent framework, even though * there is no agent and only a dummy environment. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class MapColoringApp extends SimpleAgentApp { /** Returns an CSPView instance. */ @Override public AgentAppEnvironmentView createEnvironmentView() { return new CSPView(); } /** Returns a MapColoringFrame instance. */ @Override public AgentAppFrame createFrame() { return new MapColoringFrame(); } /** Returns a MapColoringController instance. */ @Override public AgentAppController createController() { return new MapColoringController(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main method /** * Starts the application. */ public static void main(String args[]) { new MapColoringApp().startApplication(); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // some inner classes /** * Adds some selectors to the base class and adjusts its size. */ protected static class MapColoringFrame extends AgentAppFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static String ENV_SEL = "EnvSelection"; public static String STRATEGY_SEL = "SearchSelection"; public MapColoringFrame() { setTitle("Map Coloring Application"); setSelectors(new String[] { ENV_SEL, STRATEGY_SEL }, new String[] { "Select Environment", "Select Solution Strategy" }); setSelectorItems(ENV_SEL, new String[] { "Map of Australia", "Map of Australia NSW=BLUE (for LCV)", "Map of Australia WA=RED (for LCV)"}, 0); setSelectorItems(STRATEGY_SEL, new String[] { "Backtracking", "Backtracking + MRV & DEG", "Backtracking + Forward Checking", "Backtracking + Forward Checking + MRV", "Backtracking + Forward Checking + LCV", "Backtracking + AC3", "Backtracking + AC3 + MRV & DEG + LCV", "Min-Conflicts (50)" }, 0); setEnvView(new CSPView()); setSize(800, 600); } } /** * Defines how to react on standard simulation button events. */ protected static class MapColoringController extends AgentAppController { protected CSPEnvironment env; protected SolutionStrategy strategy; protected FIFOQueue actions; protected int actionCount; protected MapColoringController() { env = new CSPEnvironment(); actions = new FIFOQueue(); } protected CSPView getCSPView() { return (CSPView) frame.getEnvView(); } /** Prepares next simulation. */ @Override public void clear() { prepare(null); } /** * Creates a CSP and updates the environment as well as its view. */ @Override public void prepare(String changedSelector) { AgentAppFrame.SelectionState selState = frame.getSelection(); CSP csp = null; CSPView view = getCSPView(); switch (selState.getValue(MapColoringFrame.ENV_SEL)) { case 0: csp = new MapCSP(); break; case 1: // three moves csp = new MapCSP(); csp.setDomain(MapCSP.NSW, new Domain(new Object[]{MapCSP.BLUE})); break; case 2: // three moves csp = new MapCSP(); csp.setDomain(MapCSP.WA, new Domain(new Object[]{MapCSP.RED})); break; } view.clearMappings(); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.WA, 5, 10); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.NT, 15, 3); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.SA, 20, 15); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.Q, 30, 5); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.NSW, 35, 15); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.V, 30, 23); view.setPositionMapping(MapCSP.T, 33, 30); view.setColorMapping(MapCSP.RED, Color.RED); view.setColorMapping(MapCSP.GREEN, Color.GREEN); view.setColorMapping(MapCSP.BLUE, Color.BLUE); actions.clear(); actionCount = 0; env.init(csp); view.setEnvironment(env); } /** Checks whether simulation can be started. */ @Override public boolean isPrepared() { return env.getCSP() != null && (!actions.isEmpty() || env.getAssignment() == null); } /** Starts simulation. */ @Override public void run(MessageLogger logger) { logger.log(""); prepareActions(); try { while (!actions.isEmpty() && !frame.simulationPaused()) { env.executeAction(null, actions.pop()); actionCount++; Thread.sleep(200); } logger.log("Number of Steps: " + actionCount); // logger.log(getStatistics()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // nothing to do here. } logger.log("\n"); } /** Performs a simulation step. */ @Override public void step(MessageLogger logger) { prepareActions(); if (!actions.isEmpty()) { env.executeAction(null, actions.pop()); actionCount++; if (actions.isEmpty()) logger.log("Number of Steps: " + actionCount); } } /** * Starts the selected constraint solver and fills the action list if * necessary. */ protected void prepareActions() { ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy iStrategy = null; if (actions.isEmpty()) { SolutionStrategy strategy = null; switch (frame.getSelection().getValue( MapColoringFrame.STRATEGY_SEL)) { case 0: strategy = new BacktrackingStrategy(); break; case 1: // MRV + DEG strategy = new ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy (true, true, false, false); break; case 2: // FC iStrategy = new ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy(); iStrategy.setInference(ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy .Inference.FORWARD_CHECKING); break; case 3: // MRV + FC iStrategy = new ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy (true, false, false, false); iStrategy.setInference(ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy .Inference.FORWARD_CHECKING); break; case 4: // FC + LCV iStrategy = new ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy (false, false, false, true); iStrategy.setInference(ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy .Inference.FORWARD_CHECKING); break; case 5: // AC3 strategy = new ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy (false, false, true, false); break; case 6: // MRV + DEG + AC3 + LCV strategy = new ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy (true, true, true, true); break; case 7: strategy = new MinConflictsStrategy(50); break; } if (iStrategy != null) strategy = iStrategy; try { strategy.addCSPStateListener(new CSPStateListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(Assignment assignment, CSP csp) { actions.add(new CSPEnvironment.StateChangeAction( assignment, csp)); } @Override public void stateChanged(CSP csp) { actions.add(new CSPEnvironment.StateChangeAction( csp)); } }); strategy.solve(env.getCSP().copyDomains()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** Updates the status of the frame after simulation has finished. */ public void update(SimulationThread simulationThread) { if (simulationThread.isCanceled()) { frame.setStatus("Task canceled."); } else if (frame.simulationPaused()) { frame.setStatus("Task paused."); } else { frame.setStatus("Task completed."); } } } }