The top level package organization of aima-core corresponds to the chapters in the book as follows:
- agent: Chapter 2 - Intelligent Agents.
- environment: contains implementations of different example environments from throughout the book.
- learning: Chapters 18 - Learning from Example, 19 - Knowledge in Learning, and 21 - Reinforcement Learning.
- logic: propositional and predicate logic implementations from Chapters 7 - Logical Agents, and 9 - Inference in First-Order Logic.
- probability: Chapters 13 - Quantifying Uncertainty, 14 - Probabilistic Reasoning, 15 - Probabilistic Reasoning Over Time, and 17 - Making Complex Decisions.
- search: Chapters 3 - Solving Problems by Searching, 4 - Beyond Classical Search, 5 - Adversarial Search, and 6 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
- util: a collection of general purpose utility classes used throughout the source base.