package aima.core.util.datastructure; /** * Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pg 79.
* The operations on a queue are as follows:
* * Note: This extends the java.util.Queue collections interface in order to take * advantage of pre-existing implementations. The intent of this interface is * purely to provide an interface to Queues that corresponds to what is * described in AIMA3e. * * @author Ravi Mohan * @author Ciaran O'Reilly * */ public interface Queue extends java.util.Queue { /** * EMPTY?(queue) * * @return true only if there are no elements on the queue. */ boolean isEmpty(); /** * POP(queue) * * @return the first element of the queue. */ E pop(); /** * INSERT(element, queue) * * @param element * to be inserted in the queue. * @return the resulting queue with the element inserted. null is returned * if the element could not be inserted. */ Queue insert(E element); }