package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import aima.core.agent.Action; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aima.core.util.datastructure.FIFOQueue; /** * Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 90.
* Bidirectional search.
* Note: Based on the description of this algorithm i.e. 'Bidirectional * search is implemented by replacing the goal test with a check to see whether * the frontiers of the two searches intersect;', it is possible for the * searches to pass each other's frontiers by, in particular if the problem is * not fully reversible (i.e. unidirectional links on a graph), and could * instead intersect at the explored set. * * @author Ciaran O'Reilly * @author Mike Stampone */ public class BidirectionalSearch implements Search { public enum SearchOutcome { PATH_FOUND_FROM_ORIGINAL_PROBLEM, PATH_FOUND_FROM_REVERSE_PROBLEM, PATH_FOUND_BETWEEN_PROBLEMS, PATH_NOT_FOUND }; protected Metrics metrics; private SearchOutcome searchOutcome = SearchOutcome.PATH_NOT_FOUND; private static final String NODES_EXPANDED = "nodesExpanded"; private static final String QUEUE_SIZE = "queueSize"; private static final String MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = "maxQueueSize"; private static final String PATH_COST = "pathCost"; public BidirectionalSearch() { metrics = new Metrics(); } public List search(Problem p) throws Exception { assert (p instanceof BidirectionalProblem); searchOutcome = SearchOutcome.PATH_NOT_FOUND; clearInstrumentation(); Problem op = ((BidirectionalProblem) p).getOriginalProblem(); Problem rp = ((BidirectionalProblem) p).getReverseProblem(); CachedStateQueue opFrontier = new CachedStateQueue(); CachedStateQueue rpFrontier = new CachedStateQueue(); GraphSearch ogs = new GraphSearch(); GraphSearch rgs = new GraphSearch(); // Ensure the instrumentation for these // are cleared down as their values // are used in calculating the overall // bidirectional metrics. ogs.clearInstrumentation(); rgs.clearInstrumentation(); Node opNode = new Node(op.getInitialState()); Node rpNode = new Node(rp.getInitialState()); opFrontier.insert(opNode); rpFrontier.insert(rpNode); setQueueSize(opFrontier.size() + rpFrontier.size()); setNodesExpanded(ogs.getNodesExpanded() + rgs.getNodesExpanded()); while (!(opFrontier.isEmpty() && rpFrontier.isEmpty())) { // Determine the nodes to work with and expand their fringes // in preparation for testing whether or not the two // searches meet or one or other is at the GOAL. if (!opFrontier.isEmpty()) { opNode = opFrontier.pop(); opFrontier.addAll(ogs.getResultingNodesToAddToFrontier(opNode, op)); } else { opNode = null; } if (!rpFrontier.isEmpty()) { rpNode = rpFrontier.pop(); rpFrontier.addAll(rgs.getResultingNodesToAddToFrontier(rpNode, rp)); } else { rpNode = null; } setQueueSize(opFrontier.size() + rpFrontier.size()); setNodesExpanded(ogs.getNodesExpanded() + rgs.getNodesExpanded()); // // First Check if either frontier contains the other's state if (null != opNode && null != rpNode) { Node popNode = null; Node prpNode = null; if (opFrontier.containsNodeBasedOn(rpNode.getState())) { popNode = opFrontier.getNodeBasedOn(rpNode.getState()); prpNode = rpNode; } else if (rpFrontier.containsNodeBasedOn(opNode.getState())) { popNode = opNode; prpNode = rpFrontier.getNodeBasedOn(opNode.getState()); // Need to also check whether or not the nodes that // have been taken off the frontier actually represent the // same state, otherwise there are instances whereby // the searches can pass each other by } else if (opNode.getState().equals(rpNode.getState())) { popNode = opNode; prpNode = rpNode; } if (null != popNode && null != prpNode) { List actions = retrieveActions(op, rp, popNode, prpNode); // It may be the case that it is not in fact possible to // traverse from the original node to the goal node based on // the reverse path (i.e. unidirectional links: e.g. // InitialState(A)<->C<-Goal(B) ) if (null != actions) { return actions; } } } // // Check if the original problem is at the GOAL state if (null != opNode && SearchUtils.isGoalState(op, opNode)) { // No need to check return value for null here // as an action path discovered from the goal // is guaranteed to exist return retrieveActions(op, rp, opNode, null); } // // Check if the reverse problem is at the GOAL state if (null != rpNode && SearchUtils.isGoalState(rp, rpNode)) { List actions = retrieveActions(op, rp, null, rpNode); // It may be the case that it is not in fact possible to // traverse from the original node to the goal node based on // the reverse path (i.e. unidirectional links: e.g. // InitialState(A)<-Goal(B) ) if (null != actions) { return actions; } } } // Empty List can indicate already at Goal // or unable to find valid set of actions return new ArrayList(); } /** * Returns PATH_FOUND_FROM_ORIGINAL_PROBLEM if the path was found from the * initial state, PATH_FOUND_FROM_REVERSE_PROBLEM if the path was found from * a goal, PATH_FOUND_FROM_BETWEEN_PROBLEMS if a branch from the initial * state met a branch from a goal state, or PATH_NOT_FOUND if no path from * the initial state to a goal state was found. * * @return PATH_FOUND_FROM_ORIGINAL_PROBLEM if the path was found from the * initial state, PATH_FOUND_FROM_REVERSE_PROBLEM if the path was * found from a goal, PATH_FOUND_FROM_BETWEEN_PROBLEMS if a branch * from the initial state met a branch from a goal state, or * PATH_NOT_FOUND if no path from the initial state to a goal state * was found. */ public SearchOutcome getSearchOutcome() { return searchOutcome; } /** * Returns all the metrics of the search. * * @return all the metrics of the search. */ public Metrics getMetrics() { return metrics; } /** * Sets all metrics to zero. */ public void clearInstrumentation() { metrics.set(NODES_EXPANDED, 0); metrics.set(QUEUE_SIZE, 0); metrics.set(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, 0); metrics.set(PATH_COST, 0.0); } /** * Returns the number of nodes expanded. * * @return the number of nodes expanded. */ public int getNodesExpanded() { return metrics.getInt(NODES_EXPANDED); } /** * Sets the number of nodes expanded. * * @param nodesExpanded * the number of nodes expanded */ public void setNodesExpanded(int nodesExpanded) { metrics.set(NODES_EXPANDED, nodesExpanded); } /** * Returns the queue size. * * @return the queue size. */ public int getQueueSize() { return metrics.getInt(QUEUE_SIZE); } /** * Sets the queue size and adjusts the maximum queue size if the specified * size is greater than the current maximum. * * @param queueSize * the number of items in the queue. */ public void setQueueSize(int queueSize) { metrics.set(QUEUE_SIZE, queueSize); int maxQSize = metrics.getInt(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); if (queueSize > maxQSize) { metrics.set(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, queueSize); } } /** * Returns the maximum queue size. * * @return the maximum queue size. */ public int getMaxQueueSize() { return metrics.getInt(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); } /** * Returns the cost of the path from the initial state to a goal state. * * @return the cost of the path from the initial state to a goal state. */ public double getPathCost() { return metrics.getDouble(PATH_COST); } /** * Sets the cost of the path from the initial state to a goal state. * * @param pathCost * the cost of the path from the initial state to a goal state. */ public void setPathCost(Double pathCost) { metrics.set(PATH_COST, pathCost); } // // PRIVATE METHODS // private List retrieveActions(Problem op, Problem rp, Node originalPath, Node reversePath) { List actions = new ArrayList(); if (null == reversePath) { // This is the simple case whereby the path has been found // from the original problem first setPathCost(originalPath.getPathCost()); searchOutcome = SearchOutcome.PATH_FOUND_FROM_ORIGINAL_PROBLEM; actions = SearchUtils.actionsFromNodes(originalPath .getPathFromRoot()); } else { List nodePath = new ArrayList(); Object originalState = null; if (null != originalPath) { nodePath.addAll(originalPath.getPathFromRoot()); originalState = originalPath.getState(); } // Only append the reverse path if it is not the // GOAL state from the original problem (if you don't // you could end up appending a partial reverse path // that looks back on its initial state) if (!SearchUtils.isGoalState(op, reversePath)) { List rpath = reversePath.getPathFromRoot(); for (int i = rpath.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Ensure do not include the node from the reverse path // that is the one that potentially overlaps with the // original path (i.e. if started in goal state or where // they meet in the middle). if (!rpath.get(i).getState().equals(originalState)) { nodePath.add(rpath.get(i)); } } } if (!canTraversePathFromOriginalProblem(op, nodePath, actions)) { // This is where it is possible to get to the initial state // from the goal state (i.e. reverse path) but not the other way // round, null returned to indicate an invalid path found from // the reverse problem return null; } if (null == originalPath) { searchOutcome = SearchOutcome.PATH_FOUND_FROM_REVERSE_PROBLEM; } else { // Need to ensure that where the original and reverse paths // overlap, as they can link based on their fringes, that // the reverse path is actually capable of connecting to // the previous node in the original path (if not root). if (canConnectToOriginalFromReverse(rp, originalPath, reversePath)) { searchOutcome = SearchOutcome.PATH_FOUND_BETWEEN_PROBLEMS; } else { searchOutcome = SearchOutcome.PATH_FOUND_FROM_ORIGINAL_PROBLEM; } } } return actions; } private boolean canTraversePathFromOriginalProblem(Problem op, List path, List actions) { boolean rVal = true; double pc = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < (path.size() - 1); i++) { Object currentState = path.get(i).getState(); Object nextState = path.get(i + 1).getState(); boolean found = false; for (Action a : op.getActionsFunction().actions(currentState)) { Object isNext = op.getResultFunction().result(currentState, a); if (nextState.equals(isNext)) { found = true; pc += op.getStepCostFunction() .c(currentState, a, nextState); actions.add(a); break; } } if (!found) { rVal = false; break; } } setPathCost(true == rVal ? pc : 0.0); return rVal; } private boolean canConnectToOriginalFromReverse(Problem rp, Node originalPath, Node reversePath) { boolean rVal = true; // Only need to test if not already at root if (!originalPath.isRootNode()) { rVal = false; for (Action a : rp.getActionsFunction().actions( reversePath.getState())) { Object nextState = rp.getResultFunction().result( reversePath.getState(), a); if (originalPath.getParent().getState().equals(nextState)) { rVal = true; break; } } } return rVal; } } class CachedStateQueue extends FIFOQueue { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; // private Map cachedState = new HashMap(); public CachedStateQueue() { super(); } public CachedStateQueue(Collection c) { super(c); } public boolean containsNodeBasedOn(Object state) { return cachedState.containsKey(state); } public Node getNodeBasedOn(Object state) { return cachedState.get(state); } // // START-Queue public E pop() { E popped = super.pop(); cachedState.remove(((Node) popped).getState()); return popped; } // END-Queue // // Note: This is called by FIFOQueue.insert()->LinkedList.offer(); @Override public boolean add(E element) { boolean added = super.add(element); if (added) { cachedState.put(((Node) element).getState(), (Node) element); } return added; } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection c) { for (E element : c) { cachedState.put(((Node) element).getState(), (Node) element); } return super.addAll(c); } }