package aima.core.probability.util; import java.util.Map; import aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution; import aima.core.probability.RandomVariable; import aima.core.probability.bayes.Node; import aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteDomain; import aima.core.probability.proposition.ConjunctiveProposition; import aima.core.probability.proposition.Proposition; import aima.core.util.Randomizer; import aima.core.util.Util; import aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber; public class ProbUtil { /** * Check if name provided is valid for use as the name of a RandomVariable. * * @param name * proposed for the RandomVariable. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if not a valid RandomVariable name. */ public static void checkValidRandomVariableName(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (null == name || name.trim().length() == 0 || name.trim().length() != name.length() || name.contains(" ")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name of RandomVariable must be specified and contain no leading, trailing or embedded spaces."); } if (name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase().equals(name.substring(0, 1))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name must start with a leading upper case letter."); } } /** * Calculated the expected size of a ProbabilityTable for the provided * random variables. * * @param vars * null, 0 or more random variables that are to be used to * construct a CategoricalDistribution. * @return the size (i.e. getValues().length) that the * CategoricalDistribution will need to be in order to represent the * specified random variables. * * @see CategoricalDistribution#getValues() */ public static int expectedSizeOfProbabilityTable(RandomVariable... vars) { // initially 1, as this will represent constant assignments // e.g. Dice1 = 1. int expectedSizeOfDistribution = 1; if (null != vars) { for (RandomVariable rv : vars) { // Create ordered domains for each variable if (!(rv.getDomain() instanceof FiniteDomain)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot have an infinite domain for a variable in this calculation:" + rv); } FiniteDomain d = (FiniteDomain) rv.getDomain(); expectedSizeOfDistribution *= d.size(); } } return expectedSizeOfDistribution; } /** * Calculated the expected size of a CategoricalDistribution for the * provided random variables. * * @param vars * null, 0 or more random variables that are to be used to * construct a CategoricalDistribution. * @return the size (i.e. getValues().length) that the * CategoricalDistribution will need to be in order to represent the * specified random variables. * * @see CategoricalDistribution#getValues() */ public static int expectedSizeOfCategoricalDistribution( RandomVariable... vars) { // Equivalent calculation return expectedSizeOfProbabilityTable(vars); } /** * Convenience method for ensure a conjunction of probabilistic * propositions. * * @param props * propositions to be combined into a ConjunctiveProposition if * necessary. * @return a ConjunctivePropositions if more than 1 proposition in 'props', * otherwise props[0]. */ public static Proposition constructConjunction(Proposition[] props) { return constructConjunction(props, 0); } /** * * @param probabilityChoice * a probability choice for the sample * @param Xi * a Random Variable with a finite domain from which a random * sample is to be chosen based on the probability choice. * @param distribution * Xi's distribution. * @return a Random Sample from Xi's domain. */ public static Object sample(double probabilityChoice, RandomVariable Xi, double[] distribution) { FiniteDomain fd = (FiniteDomain) Xi.getDomain(); if (fd.size() != distribution.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size of domain Xi " + fd.size() + " is not equal to the size of the distribution " + distribution.length); } int i = 0; double total = distribution[0]; while (probabilityChoice > total) { i++; total += distribution[i]; } return fd.getValueAt(i); } /** * Get a random sample from P(Xi | parents(Xi)) * * @param Xi * a Node from a Bayesian network for the Random Variable * Xi. * @param event * comprising assignments for parents(Xi) * @param r * a Randomizer for generating a probability choice for the * sample. * @return a random sample from P(Xi | * parents(Xi)) */ public static Object randomSample(Node Xi, Map event, Randomizer r) { return Xi.getCPD().getSample(r.nextDouble(), getEventValuesForParents(Xi, event)); } /** * Get a random sample from P(Xi | mb(Xi)), * where mb(Xi) is the Markov Blanket of Xi. The * probability of a variable given its Markov blanket is proportional to the * probability of the variable given its parents times the probability of * each child given its respective parents (see equation 14.12 pg. 538 * AIMA3e):
* P(x'i|mb(Xi)) = * αP(x'i|parents(Xi)) * * ∏Yj ∈ Children(Xi) * P(yj|parents(Yj)) * * @param Xi * a Node from a Bayesian network for the Random Variable * Xi. * @param event * comprising assignments for the Markov Blanket Xi. * @param r * a Randomizer for generating a probability choice for the * sample. * @return a random sample from P(Xi | mb(Xi)) */ public static Object mbRandomSample(Node Xi, Map event, Randomizer r) { return sample(r.nextDouble(), Xi.getRandomVariable(), mbDistribution(Xi, event)); } /** * Calculate the probability distribution for P(Xi | * mb(Xi)), where mb(Xi) is the Markov Blanket of * Xi. The probability of a variable given its Markov blanket is * proportional to the probability of the variable given its parents times * the probability of each child given its respective parents (see equation * 14.12 pg. 538 AIMA3e):
* P(x'i|mb(Xi)) = * αP(x'i|parents(Xi)) * * ∏Yj ∈ Children(Xi) * P(yj|parents(Yj)) * * @param Xi * a Node from a Bayesian network for the Random Variable * Xi. * @param event * comprising assignments for the Markov Blanket Xi. * @return a random sample from P(Xi | mb(Xi)) */ public static double[] mbDistribution(Node Xi, Map event) { FiniteDomain fd = (FiniteDomain) Xi.getRandomVariable().getDomain(); double[] X = new double[fd.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fd.size(); i++) { // P(x'i|mb(Xi)) = // αP(x'i|parents(Xi)) * // ∏Yj ∈ Children(Xi) // P(yj|parents(Yj)) double cprob = 1.0; for (Node Yj : Xi.getChildren()) { cprob *= Yj.getCPD().getValue( getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Yj, event)); } X[i] = Xi.getCPD() .getValue( getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Xi, fd.getValueAt(i), event)) * cprob; } return Util.normalize(X); } /** * Get the parent values for the Random Variable Xi from the provided event. * * @param Xi * a Node for the Random Variable Xi whose parent values are to * be extracted from the provided event in the correct order. * @param event * an event containing assignments for Xi's parents. * @return an ordered set of values for the parents of Xi from the provided * event. */ public static Object[] getEventValuesForParents(Node Xi, Map event) { Object[] parentValues = new Object[Xi.getParents().size()]; int i = 0; for (Node pn : Xi.getParents()) { parentValues[i] = event.get(pn.getRandomVariable()); i++; } return parentValues; } /** * Get the values for the Random Variable Xi's parents and its own value * from the provided event. * * @param Xi * a Node for the Random Variable Xi whose parent values and * value are to be extracted from the provided event in the * correct order. * @param event * an event containing assignments for Xi's parents and its own * value. * @return an ordered set of values for the parents of Xi and its value from * the provided event. */ public static Object[] getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Node Xi, Map event) { return getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Xi, event.get(Xi.getRandomVariable()), event); } /** * Get the values for the Random Variable Xi's parents and its own value * from the provided event. * * @param Xi * a Node for the Random Variable Xi whose parent values are to * be extracted from the provided event in the correct order. * @param xDelta * the value for the Random Variable Xi to be assigned to the * values returned. * @param event * an event containing assignments for Xi's parents and its own * value. * @return an ordered set of values for the parents of Xi and its value from * the provided event. */ public static Object[] getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Node Xi, Object xDelta, Map event) { Object[] values = new Object[Xi.getParents().size() + 1]; int idx = 0; for (Node pn : Xi.getParents()) { values[idx] = event.get(pn.getRandomVariable()); idx++; } values[idx] = xDelta; return values; } /** * Calculate the index into a vector representing the enumeration of the * value assignments for the variables X and their corresponding assignment * in x. For example the Random Variables:
* Q::{true, false}, R::{'A', 'B','C'}, and T::{true, false}, would be * enumerated in a Vector as follows: * *
	 * Index  Q      R  T
	 * -----  -      -  -
	 * 00:    true,  A, true
	 * 01:    true,  A, false
	 * 02:    true,  B, true
	 * 03:    true,  B, false
	 * 04:    true,  C, true
	 * 05:    true,  C, false
	 * 06:    false, A, true
	 * 07:    false, A, false
	 * 08:    false, B, true
	 * 09:    false, B, false
	 * 10:    false, C, true
	 * 11:    false, C, false
* * if x = {Q=true, R='C', T=false} the index returned would be 5. * * @param X * a list of the Random Variables that would comprise the vector. * @param x * an assignment for the Random Variables in X. * @return an index into a vector that would represent the enumeration of * the values for X. */ public static int indexOf(RandomVariable[] X, Map x) { if (0 == X.length) { return ((FiniteDomain) X[0].getDomain()).getOffset(x.get(X[0])); } // X.length > 1 then calculate using a mixed radix number // // Note: Create radices in reverse order so that the enumeration // through the distributions is of the following // order using a MixedRadixNumber, e.g. for two Booleans: // X Y // true true // true false // false true // false false // which corresponds with how displayed in book. int[] radixValues = new int[X.length]; int[] radices = new int[X.length]; int j = X.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) { FiniteDomain fd = (FiniteDomain) X[i].getDomain(); radixValues[j] = fd.getOffset(x.get(X[i])); radices[j] = fd.size(); j--; } return new MixedRadixNumber(radixValues, radices).intValue(); } /** * Calculate the indexes for X[i] into a vector representing the enumeration * of the value assignments for the variables X and their corresponding * assignment in x. For example the Random Variables:
* Q::{true, false}, R::{'A', 'B','C'}, and T::{true, false}, would be * enumerated in a Vector as follows: * *
	 * Index  Q      R  T
	 * -----  -      -  -
	 * 00:    true,  A, true
	 * 01:    true,  A, false
	 * 02:    true,  B, true
	 * 03:    true,  B, false
	 * 04:    true,  C, true
	 * 05:    true,  C, false
	 * 06:    false, A, true
	 * 07:    false, A, false
	 * 08:    false, B, true
	 * 09:    false, B, false
	 * 10:    false, C, true
	 * 11:    false, C, false
* * if X[i] = R and x = {..., R='C', ...} then the indexes returned would be * [4, 5, 10, 11]. * * @param X * a list of the Random Variables that would comprise the vector. * @param idx * the index into X for the Random Variable whose assignment we * wish to retrieve its indexes for. * @param x * an assignment for the Random Variables in X. * @return the indexes into a vector that would represent the enumeration of * the values for X[i] in x. */ public static int[] indexesOfValue(RandomVariable[] X, int idx, Map x) { int csize = ProbUtil.expectedSizeOfCategoricalDistribution(X); FiniteDomain fd = (FiniteDomain) X[idx].getDomain(); int vdoffset = fd.getOffset(x.get(X[idx])); int vdosize = fd.size(); int[] indexes = new int[csize / vdosize]; int blocksize = csize; for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) { blocksize = blocksize / X[i].getDomain().size(); if (i == idx) { break; } } for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i += blocksize) { int offset = ((i / blocksize) * vdosize * blocksize) + (blocksize * vdoffset); for (int b = 0; b < blocksize; b++) { indexes[i + b] = offset + b; } } return indexes; } // // PRIVATE METHODS // private static Proposition constructConjunction(Proposition[] props, int idx) { if ((idx + 1) == props.length) { return props[idx]; } return new ConjunctiveProposition(props[idx], constructConjunction( props, idx + 1)); } }