package aima.core.probability.hmm.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution; import aima.core.probability.RandomVariable; import aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteDomain; import aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel; import aima.core.probability.proposition.AssignmentProposition; import aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable; import aima.core.util.Util; import aima.core.util.math.Matrix; /** * Default implementation of the HiddenMarkovModel interface. * * @author Ciaran O'Reilly * @author Ravi Mohan */ public class HMM implements HiddenMarkovModel { private RandomVariable stateVariable = null; private FiniteDomain stateVariableDomain = null; private Matrix transitionModel = null; private Map sensorModel = null; private Matrix prior = null; /** * Instantiate a Hidden Markov Model. * * @param stateVariable * the single discrete random variable used to describe the * process states 1,...,S. * @param transitionModel * the transition model:
* P(Xt | Xt-1)
* is represented by an S * S matrix T where
* Tij = P(Xt = j | Xt-1 * = i). * @param sensorModel * the sensor model in matrix form:
* P(et | Xt = i) for each state i. For * mathematical convenience we place each of these values into an * S * S diagonal matrix. * @param prior * the prior distribution represented as a column vector in * Matrix form. */ public HMM(RandomVariable stateVariable, Matrix transitionModel, Map sensorModel, Matrix prior) { if (!stateVariable.getDomain().isFinite()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "State Variable for HHM must be finite."); } this.stateVariable = stateVariable; stateVariableDomain = (FiniteDomain) stateVariable.getDomain(); if (transitionModel.getRowDimension() != transitionModel .getColumnDimension()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Transition Model row and column dimensions must match."); } if (stateVariableDomain.size() != transitionModel.getRowDimension()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Transition Model Matrix does not map correctly to the HMM's State Variable."); } this.transitionModel = transitionModel; for (Matrix smVal : sensorModel.values()) { if (smVal.getRowDimension() != smVal.getColumnDimension()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sensor Model row and column dimensions must match."); } if (stateVariableDomain.size() != smVal.getRowDimension()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sensor Model Matrix does not map correctly to the HMM's State Variable."); } } this.sensorModel = sensorModel; if (transitionModel.getRowDimension() != prior.getRowDimension() && prior.getColumnDimension() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prior is not of the correct dimensions."); } this.prior = prior; } // // START-HiddenMarkovModel @Override public RandomVariable getStateVariable() { return stateVariable; } @Override public Matrix getTransitionModel() { return transitionModel; } @Override public Map getSensorModel() { return sensorModel; } @Override public Matrix getPrior() { return prior; } @Override public Matrix getEvidence(List evidence) { if (evidence.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only a single evidence observation value should be provided."); } Matrix e = sensorModel.get(evidence.get(0).getValue()); if (null == e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Evidence does not map to sensor model."); } return e; } @Override public Matrix createUnitMessage() { double[] values = new double[stateVariableDomain.size()]; Arrays.fill(values, 1.0); return new Matrix(values, values.length); } @Override public Matrix convert(CategoricalDistribution fromCD) { double[] values = fromCD.getValues(); return new Matrix(values, values.length); } @Override public CategoricalDistribution convert(Matrix fromMessage) { return new ProbabilityTable(fromMessage.getRowPackedCopy(), stateVariable); } @Override public List convert(List matrixs) { List cds = new ArrayList(); for (Matrix m : matrixs) { cds.add(convert(m)); } return cds; } @Override public Matrix normalize(Matrix m) { double[] values = m.getRowPackedCopy(); return new Matrix(Util.normalize(values), values.length); } // END-HiddenMarkovModel // }