package aima.core.logic.propositional.algorithms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.BinarySentence; import aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence; import aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Symbol; import aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.SymbolCollector; import aima.core.util.Converter; /** * @author Ravi Mohan * @author Mike Stampone */ public class PLFCEntails { private Hashtable count; private Hashtable inferred; private Stack agenda; public PLFCEntails() { count = new Hashtable(); inferred = new Hashtable(); agenda = new Stack(); } /** * Return the answer to the specified question using the PL-FC-Entails * algorithm * * @param kb * the knowledge base, a set of propositional definite clauses * @param s * the query, a proposition symbol * * @return the answer to the specified question using the PL-FC-Entails * algorithm */ public boolean plfcEntails(KnowledgeBase kb, String s) { return plfcEntails(kb, new Symbol(s)); } /** * Return the answer to the specified question using the PL-FC-Entails * algorithm * * @param kb * the knowledge base, a set of propositional definite clauses * @param q * the query, a proposition symbol * * @return the answer to the specified question using the PL-FC-Entails * algorithm */ public boolean plfcEntails(KnowledgeBase kb, Symbol q) { List hornClauses = asHornClauses(kb.getSentences()); while (agenda.size() != 0) { Symbol p = agenda.pop(); while (!inferred(p)) { inferred.put(p, Boolean.TRUE); for (int i = 0; i < hornClauses.size(); i++) { HornClause hornClause = hornClauses.get(i); if (hornClause.premisesContainsSymbol(p)) { decrementCount(hornClause); if (countisZero(hornClause)) { if (hornClause.head().equals(q)) { return true; } else { agenda.push(hornClause.head()); } } } } } } return false; } private List asHornClauses(List sentences) { List hornClauses = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); i++) { Sentence sentence = sentences.get(i); HornClause clause = new HornClause(sentence); hornClauses.add(clause); } return hornClauses; } private boolean countisZero(HornClause hornClause) { return (count.get(hornClause)).intValue() == 0; } private void decrementCount(HornClause hornClause) { int value = (count.get(hornClause)).intValue(); count.put(hornClause, new Integer(value - 1)); } private boolean inferred(Symbol p) { Object value = inferred.get(p); return ((value == null) || value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)); } public class HornClause { List premiseSymbols; Symbol head; /** * Constructs a horn clause from the specified sentence. * * @param sentence * a sentence in propositional logic */ public HornClause(Sentence sentence) { if (sentence instanceof Symbol) { head = (Symbol) sentence; agenda.push(head); premiseSymbols = new ArrayList(); count.put(this, new Integer(0)); inferred.put(head, Boolean.FALSE); } else if (!isImpliedSentence(sentence)) { throw new RuntimeException("Sentence " + sentence + " is not a horn clause"); } else { BinarySentence bs = (BinarySentence) sentence; head = (Symbol) bs.getSecond(); inferred.put(head, Boolean.FALSE); Set symbolsInPremise = new SymbolCollector() .getSymbolsIn(bs.getFirst()); Iterator iter = symbolsInPremise.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { inferred.put(, Boolean.FALSE); } premiseSymbols = new Converter() .setToList(symbolsInPremise); count.put(this, new Integer(premiseSymbols.size())); } } private boolean isImpliedSentence(Sentence sentence) { return ((sentence instanceof BinarySentence) && ((BinarySentence) sentence) .getOperator().equals("=>")); } /** * Returns the conclusion of this horn clause. In horn form, the premise * is called the body, and the conclusion is called the head. * * @return the conclusion of this horn clause. */ public Symbol head() { return head; } /** * Return true if the premise of this horn clause contains * the specified symbol. * * @param q * a symbol in propositional logic * * @return true if the premise of this horn clause contains * the specified symbol. */ public boolean premisesContainsSymbol(Symbol q) { return premiseSymbols.contains(q); } /** * Returns a list of all the symbols in the premise of this horn clause * * @return a list of all the symbols in the premise of this horn clause */ public List getPremiseSymbols() { return premiseSymbols; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if ((o == null) || (this.getClass() != o.getClass())) { return false; } HornClause ohc = (HornClause) o; if (premiseSymbols.size() != ohc.premiseSymbols.size()) { return false; } for (Symbol s : premiseSymbols) { if (!ohc.premiseSymbols.contains(s)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 17; for (Symbol s : premiseSymbols) { result = 37 * result + s.hashCode(); } return result; } @Override public String toString() { return premiseSymbols.toString() + " => " + head; } } }