package aima.core.environment.nqueens; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import aima.core.agent.Action; import; import; import aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation; /** * Provides useful functions for two versions of the n-queens problem. The * incremental formulation and the complete-state formulation share the same * RESULT function but use different ACTIONS functions. * * @author Ciaran O'Reilly * @author R. Lunde */ public class NQueensFunctionFactory { private static ActionsFunction _iActionsFunction = null; private static ActionsFunction _cActionsFunction = null; private static ResultFunction _resultFunction = null; /** * Returns an ACTIONS function for the incremental formulation of the * n-queens problem. */ public static ActionsFunction getIActionsFunction() { if (null == _iActionsFunction) { _iActionsFunction = new NQIActionsFunction(); } return _iActionsFunction; } /** * Returns an ACTIONS function for the complete-state formulation of the * n-queens problem. */ public static ActionsFunction getCActionsFunction() { if (null == _cActionsFunction) { _cActionsFunction = new NQCActionsFunction(); } return _cActionsFunction; } /** * Returns a RESULT function for the n-queens problem. */ public static ResultFunction getResultFunction() { if (null == _resultFunction) { _resultFunction = new NQResultFunction(); } return _resultFunction; } /** * Assumes that queens are placed column by column, starting with an empty * board, and provides queen placing actions for all non-attacked positions * of the first free column. * * @author R. Lunde */ private static class NQIActionsFunction implements ActionsFunction { public Set actions(Object state) { NQueensBoard board = (NQueensBoard) state; Set actions = new LinkedHashSet(); int numQueens = board.getNumberOfQueensOnBoard(); int boardSize = board.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) { XYLocation newLocation = new XYLocation(numQueens, i); if (!(board.isSquareUnderAttack(newLocation))) { actions.add(new QueenAction(QueenAction.PLACE_QUEEN, newLocation)); } } return actions; } } /** * Assumes exactly one queen in each column and provides all possible queen * movements in vertical direction as actions. * * @author R. Lunde */ private static class NQCActionsFunction implements ActionsFunction { public Set actions(Object state) { Set actions = new LinkedHashSet(); NQueensBoard board = (NQueensBoard) state; for (int i = 0; i < board.getSize(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < board.getSize(); j++) { XYLocation loc = new XYLocation(i, j); if (!board.queenExistsAt(loc)) actions.add(new QueenAction(QueenAction.MOVE_QUEEN, loc)); } return actions; } } /** Supports queen placing, queen removal, and queen movement actions. */ private static class NQResultFunction implements ResultFunction { public Object result(Object s, Action a) { if (a instanceof QueenAction) { QueenAction qa = (QueenAction) a; NQueensBoard board = (NQueensBoard) s; NQueensBoard newBoard = new NQueensBoard(board.getSize()); newBoard.setBoard(board.getQueenPositions()); if (qa.getName() == QueenAction.PLACE_QUEEN) newBoard.addQueenAt(qa.getLocation()); else if (qa.getName() == QueenAction.REMOVE_QUEEN) newBoard.removeQueenFrom(qa.getLocation()); else if (qa.getName() == QueenAction.MOVE_QUEEN) newBoard.moveQueenTo(qa.getLocation()); s = newBoard; } // if action is not understood or is a NoOp // the result will be the current state. return s; } } }