package aima.core.environment.connectfour; /** * A state of the Connect Four game is characterized by a board containing a * grid of spaces for disks, the next player to move, and some utility * informations. A win position for a player x is an empty space which turns a * situation into a win situation for x if he is able to place a disk there. * * @author Ruediger Lunde * */ public class ConnectFourState implements Cloneable { private int cols; /** * Uses special bit coding. First bit: disk of player 1, second bit: disk of * player 2, third bit: win position for player 1, fourth bit: win position * for player 2. */ private byte[] board; private int moveCount; /** * Indicates the utility of the state. 1: win for player 1, 0: win for * player 2, 0.5: draw, -1 for all non-terminal states. */ private double utility; public int winPositions1; public int winPositions2; public ConnectFourState(int rows, int cols) { utility = -1; this.cols = cols; board = new byte[rows * cols]; } public int getRows() { return board.length / cols; } public int getCols() { return cols; } public double getUtility() { return utility; } public int getPlayerNum(int row, int col) { return board[row * cols + col] & 3; } public int getPlayerToMove() { return moveCount % 2 + 1; } public int getMoves() { return moveCount; } public void dropDisk(int col) { int playerNum = getPlayerToMove(); int row = getFreeRow(col); if (row != -1) { moveCount++; if (moveCount == board.length) utility = 0.5; if (isWinPositionFor(row, col, 1)) { winPositions1--; if (playerNum == 1) utility = 1.0; } if (isWinPositionFor(row, col, 2)) { winPositions2--; if (playerNum == 2) utility = 0.0; } board[row * cols + col] = (byte) playerNum; if (utility == -1) analyzeWinPositions(row, col); } } /** * Returns the row of the first empty space in the specified column and -1 * if the column is full. */ private int getFreeRow(int col) { for (int row = getRows() - 1; row >= 0; row--) if (getPlayerNum(row, col) == 0) return row; return -1; } public boolean isWinMoveFor(int col, int playerNum) { return isWinPositionFor(getFreeRow(col), col, playerNum); } public boolean isWinPositionFor(int row, int col, int playerNum) { return (board[row * cols + col] & playerNum * 4) > 0; } private void setWinPositionFor(int row, int col, int playerNum) { if (playerNum == 1) { if (!isWinPositionFor(row, col, 1)) winPositions1++; } else if (playerNum == 2) { if (!isWinPositionFor(row, col, 2)) winPositions2++; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong player number."); } board[row * cols + col] |= playerNum * 4; } /** * Assumes a disk at position moveRow and moveCol * and analyzes the vicinity with respect to win positions. */ private void analyzeWinPositions(int moveRow, int moveCol) { final int[] rowIncr = new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 1 }; final int[] colIncr = new int[] { 0, 1, -1, 1 }; int playerNum = getPlayerNum(moveRow, moveCol); WinPositionInfo[] wInfo = new WinPositionInfo[] { new WinPositionInfo(), new WinPositionInfo() }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int rIncr = rowIncr[i]; int cIncr = colIncr[i]; int diskCount = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { WinPositionInfo wInf = wInfo[j]; wInf.clear(); int rBound = rIncr > 0 ? getRows() : -1; int cBound = cIncr > 0 ? getCols() : -1; int row = moveRow + rIncr; int col = moveCol + cIncr; while (row != rBound && col != cBound) { int plNum = getPlayerNum(row, col); if (plNum == playerNum) { if (wInf.hasData()) wInf.diskCount++; else diskCount++; } else if (plNum == 0) { if (!wInf.hasData()) { wInf.row = row; wInf.col = col; } else { break; } } else { break; } row += rIncr; col += cIncr; } rIncr = -rIncr; cIncr = -cIncr; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { WinPositionInfo wInf = wInfo[j]; if (wInf.hasData() && diskCount + wInf.diskCount >= 3) { setWinPositionFor(wInf.row, wInf.col, playerNum); } } } } public int analyzePotentialWinPositions(Integer action) { final int[] rowIncr = new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 1 }; final int[] colIncr = new int[] { 0, 1, -1, 1 }; int moveCol = action; int moveRow = getFreeRow(moveCol); int playerNum = getPlayerToMove(); int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int rIncr = rowIncr[i]; int cIncr = colIncr[i]; int posCountSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int rBound = rIncr > 0 ? getRows() : -1; int cBound = cIncr > 0 ? getCols() : -1; int posCount = 0; int row = moveRow + rIncr; int col = moveCol + cIncr; while (row != rBound && col != cBound && posCount < 3) { int plNum = getPlayerNum(row, col); if (plNum == 3 - playerNum) break; posCount++; row += rIncr; col += cIncr; } posCountSum += posCount; rIncr = -rIncr; cIncr = -cIncr; } if (posCountSum >= 3) result += posCountSum; } return result; } public ConnectFourState clone() { ConnectFourState result = null; try { result = (ConnectFourState) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } result.board = board.clone(); return result; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) result = result * 7 + board[i] + 1; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ConnectFourState) { ConnectFourState s = (ConnectFourState) obj; for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) if (board[i] != s.board[i]) return false; return true; } return false; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nested classes static class WinPositionInfo { int row = -1; int col = -1; int diskCount; void clear() { row = -1; col = -1; diskCount = 0; } boolean hasData() { return row != -1; } } }